Ready to let go, reset and just BE?
BE Yourself - COVID Reset Workshop
After more than a year of COVID-19 challenges, we all have our stories. Some of us have faced horrific losses of friends and family members, others have found themselves feeling depressed, anxious, or lonely with no clear end in sight. Some of us ended up out of work, trying to make a living, or forced into being both a parent and teacher for our kids at the same time, while still doing our best to handle the ongoing questions, concerns and social fears & emotions that came our way.
For many of us, COVID-19 brought many surprises. Some of us found we could work from home and we liked it. Some of us learned to have more quality time with our kids and partners. But some of us spent our time socially isolated and missing true connection with our family, friends and the greater community and a safe place to just BE.
True to our Challenge Day & Be the Change roots, we will bring our diverse lessons and experiences to a room full of likeminded and open hearted allies who will mine the depths, gather the lessons, celebrate successes, release the pain and emotions caused by this pandemic and envision what’s next. Whether you found yourself depressed, empowered or celebrating your alone time, this workshop is for YOU.
Participants in this workshop will:
- Have plenty of opportunities to share and release pent up emotions – grief, loss, fear, anger, loneliness, joy and celebration.
- Have the chance to safely interact and connect with people from outside their usual COVID-19 bubbles.
- Regain and co-create a NEW more connected NORMAL.
- Have chances to step out of their comfort zones and to move, dance and express.
- Be inspired or re-inspired to BE the Change and step into compassionate service by doing ongoing Acts of Change.
- Be introduced or re-introduced to our Be the Change communication and connection tools designed to improve and create more honest and intimate relationships in every area of their lives.
- Have a chance to take of their masks, let their ego step aside and align with their higher self.
- Have the opportunity to explore their next steps in the process of walking towards their personal passions.
- Have a firsthand experience of our Challenge Day/Be the Change principles with activities such as Cross the Line/Over de Streep and If You Really Knew Me/Als Je Me Echt Zou Kennen.
- Experience two days full of energetic, interactive and compassion building experiential activities .

The overall goal of this training is to let go of the challenges you face(d), take the space to do emotional release work, find new gifts and ultimately leave with a new vision on what to do next. Experience activities such as: the Iceberg presentation, If You Really Knew Me, Cross the Line/Over de Streep, Emotional Release/Anger Work, Let go Dancing, Creating Vision Bords and much more!
Wheter you have been to a lot of our workshops, or have never met us before, feel welcome to step into a safe place to just BE, learn, connect, experience, let go, and dream! Sign up now!
Practical information:
- Data workshop: 23-24 October 2021
- Investment Early Bird: 349 euro – Sign up before September 1st
- Investment Regular: 399 euro
- Location: to be determined (Holland – Centrally located)
Engels spreken is niet noodzakelijk, de voertaal voor deelnemers is Nederlands. Rich & Yvonne spreken Engels en indien gewenst en mogelijk kan er vertaling voor je geregeld worden.
Any questions? Please contact us. Are you are interested in our other workshops? Please check the Workshops page.